My journey with Prostate Cancer.
It started on a sunny day in the middle of October, it was cold outside and the birds are doing what they do best. Actually, it started not that way at all. Since I am 71 years old we did a PSA test at the yearly checkup.
This PSA test measures the levels of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in your blood, which may be elevated due to prostate cancer.
The PSA was elevated and the PSA number was 9.3. This also shows me that I am a real man with balls. That is a good thing in today’s environment. If the supreme court judge Jackson does not know what a women is, I for sure know that i am a real man.
This was an interesting emotional experience when the doctor gave me that information that there is a high probability of cancer. To find out he wanted me to get a biopsy. I did an MRI and found out, yes I have cancer in one of my balls. I also found out that the cancer was more aggressive. That means that I will be on this side of the grass for hopefully another 10 years. One never knows.
After the MRI I had another doctor visit and we talked about what can be done, what can I expect for the next 10years. That put me in an emotional down ward thinking. So that during the doctor visit a lot of things I did not hear or understood what else he was saying.
He had two solutions,
1. Cut off both balls, with a lot of complications afterwards. From having to walk around with a diaper, to getting continues infections to lowering my quality of life.
2. Radiation, has similar outcomes. Damaging the nerves, so I do not know when I need to pee.
I went home that day with the knowledge that my days are counted. Now we need to look at the numbers he gave me and what kind of numbers are they, that was the question. After two days of thinking I finally looked at the numbers. This was my first and very important action to find out what I can do or not do about the cancer.
You have to know that I do not take any medication or vaccines for anything period, including no Covid-19 Killer shot. My natural immunity has been updated when I got sick for 14 days, normally it takes four to six days. This time around it took 14 days. I am still alive and feel better than ever. I do take vitamins on a daily basis to help my immune system.
Now we need to go back to the numbers. Those numbers are very interesting when you analyze them and figure out the real meaning.
First of all it is all theoretic and a lot of guesses are done to arrive at those numbers.
All those numbers are in reverence of a lifespan of 10 more years to live. What is the probability that i am gone from just the cancers side point of view, nothing else.
The doctor gave me a sheet of paper with a lot of number on it.
First number 3.7%. This number is the probability that I will be dead before the 10 years mark. It took me awhile what i am looking at. And than the light bulb turned on. That 3.7% actually means that I have a chance of 96.3% that i will make the 10 year marker. My question is, with a 96.3% chance of winning will you go into a casino and gamble, my answer is yes. Do you see something what is happening, the doctor showed me the negative numbers so I would go for the operation to cut off the balls or would jump to the Radiation immediately without thinking.
Now to the next number 2.2% with removing both of the balls or having radiation. That is a 97.8% of making the 10 year mark. Now we need to look at the numbers closely and see, and understand the difference.
1. Do nothing 96.3%
2. Operation/Radiation 97.8%
Difference is 1.5%
A gain of 1.5%. or 54 days to live longer with a 10 year span. Now, I have the same question again. Do I cut down my Quality of life now to save 54 days or do I enjoy life now and accept that i may loose 54 days of my life. That is the question that will get answered one way or another.
Things I do not yet understand.
1. If the cancer is in one of my balls, why do you want to cut off both?
2. If the cancer is in one off my balls and you cut them both off, why is the number not 0%, instead of still 2.2%. That tells me that i am still getting prostate cancer even though both of my balls have been removed.
3. How can you get prostate cancer with removed balls. I have an idea, need to ask my doctor. I assume ( assume stands for “Make an ‘ASS’ out of ‘U’ and ‘ME’) (Joke) that the cancer has spread already and that is why the % did not go to zero. Or that the cancer still gets generated with the defective DNA and it will show up somewhere else.
Now, let us see what I have done so far.
Since I did not take the COVID-19 killer shot, I became aware of Ivermectin that will help me for COVID-19. I happened to be on (Free Speech Platform) and found Dr. John Campbell. He is a very interesting person to listen too. I learned a lot from him in the last two years. Dr. Campbell is for freedom of choice, that includes, freedom of choice by not taking the COVID-19 Killer shot, instead of taking Ivermectin if needed with very view side effects. Not like the COVID-19 shot. Do your own research, find out for yourself. If the side effects do not scare you, nothing will. So, I bought some Invermectin just in case. This is what I call, go with the flow of life and find out what comes out of it. In the meantime my result of the biopsy came in, it was positive for cancer.
The number was 7. This is how they come up with a number. They take two samples from differed area of the biopsy and compare the cancer cells with the none cancer cells and give them a number. You add up both numbers and if the number is over 6, you are in trouble.
After a couple of weeks gone by, Dr. John Campbell was taking about Ivermectin and prostate cancer. My ears popped up, listen to the video three times to make sure about ivermectin.
My doctor wants to cut off my balls and Ivermectin can, maybe, do not know, can help me? will help? Hopefully not kill me in the process? If it kills me, the cancer will not spread anymore, (Is that good or bad?) (Joke)
My thinking was as follow.
Why not do an experiment and take some Ivermectin and see how I react to it. That is the question.
The COVID-19 Killer shot is still consider an experimental vaccine. look at the side effects and than you know why NO body, I mean No body takes full responsibility for the outcome. Given out to billions of people(as a guinea pig) because the COVID-19 shot is still considered an Experimental drug even after more than 4 years in active promoting the use. The WHO is ok with that experiment, I am NOT.
So, now back to the my original question. Why not try it out carefully and see how I react to it. In other words, use it as an Experimental treatment for Prostate cancer.
So, I needed to figure out what the doses is for Ivermectin. What I found out is, Your body weight in Kg. divided by two equals the mg of Ivermectin per day. Since I am not a doctor and a very conservative person, the number seamed very high to me. So I changed it from 40mg to 12mg per day. I started taking it for 10 days. First I split the 12mg into 6mg in the morning and 6mg in the evening, just in case my body had a bad reaction too. On the 10th day of taking it, there was a reaction. I got up from the chair and became dizzy for 4-5 seconds, after that everything was ok again, dizziness came never back. So I stopped Ivermectin immediately. Not sure it was Ivermectin, just in case.
Did I take to much Ivermectin? Was that a short lived reaction? Can my body get used to Ivermectin if treatment needs to be extended for a full treatment?
A week later I was at my doctor again to discuss the operation, I decided to wait and see. So, after another PSA test the number jumped from 9.3 to 5.53. That was a good result, was not at all expecting it, but hoping for a smaller jump with the number, maybe 8.5 or even 9.0 would have been an excellent number. But a change to 5.53, this was unbelievable to me. If the number is 4 and above, this is a warning sign.
A week later I took another PSA test with Quest Diagnostic. Cost of the test is about $60. This test came out with the number 4.75. WOW, what a change. To me, something was not correct, the change was to drastic to believe it was real. Needed to check the documentation from Quest Diagnostics and found out that there test is a different kind of test to get the PSA numbers. Also found out that the test result can be off by +- 20%. Since I am a very conservative person added 20% to the 4.75% and to me it confirmed that the real number is more like 5.53 instead of 4.75%. I know, it is not exactly but close enough for me. Now I changed doctors for the yearly checkup, I asked for another PSA test. The result of this test was 5.6. That makes sense to me.
1. They used the same kind of lab test. Same kind of a test, about the same result. Meaning you can compare the numbers. Quest Diagnostic was too far off, also the deviation was too big.
2. I stopped taking Ivermectin to early, not 18mg / day, so not all cancer got killed, so the cancer is still growing, so the numbers are moving up again. That makes total sense to me. I just hope that this is the truth. I am not sure.
My next step is to take Ivermectin for the full cycle of 8 weeks and the full doses of 18mg per day. This is what the doctor recommended where i bought the Ivermectin from for my body weight of 80Kg. Do you notice the difference from 40mg what I came up with and the doctors prescription of 18mg / day for 8 weeks and than I took only 12mg/day. That was a very good decision to take only 12mg/day. So, be careful, recheck and recheck your medication. Just make sure you recheck one more time. Always be on the conservative side. It helps to stay alive (Joke).
Now it is time to make another doctor visit to my surgeon who wants to
cutoff my balls. This time I have a lot of reservation with this visit.
On one side I would like to tell him why I believe the numbers are down. On the other side if I tell him, what is he going to do, that is the question?
1. Is his reaction positive or negative towards Ivermectin?
2. If he is plosive towards Ivermectin, why did he not recommend it before the operation.
3. If he is negative towards Ivermectin, will he try to make me quit the current cycle? Or make me afraid of it? Or make me feel guilty that I came up with this solution.
4. Could he recommend Ivermectin from his bosses point of view? (Office, Hospital guidelines). If he had given me the prescription, could he loose his job, his likely hood and or his license to practice as a doctor?
5. On there is a channel called “AFLDS America’s Frontline Doctors” Dr. Simon Gold she founded this channel. She lost her job with the hospital, she lost her income and California tried to take her license away because she gave Ivermectin to patient instead the COVID-19 Killer shot.
She got also “DE-platformed“ from social networks, so she could not tell the truth about her experience with Ivermectin on her channel as a treatment for COVID-19. Also listen to Dr. Peterson Pierre on “America’s Frontline Doctors”. You learn a lot of new stuff.
The question is, when we talk about Ivermectin, will the same happened to my doctor. Will he loose his job also? Not on my watch, do I want that. I like him even though I want to slow down with cutting off my balls.
I have another problem in an office. It has to do with the big screen where you can search the internet via voice command. Is Google listening to our so called private conversations, need to ask if that assumption is correct. Can I trust them to tell me the truth that is another question. I for sure will go with my feelings. They have guided me very well so far. It is important that you listen to your inner voice very carefully and do not ignore it. It will help you to get to a better place.
Also, what I do before I fall asleep is asking my subconscious to help me to find a solution for the current problem. It is always running and especially at night active anyway, so why not ask for help. “During the day, we are making way to many mistakes to call the subconscious awake and active.” (Joke) It will come up with a solution, your job is it to write it down as soon as you become aware of it. If you do not do that, the new found solution will get lost within minutes, sometimes within seconds and you are left with a feeling that the solution was excellent but you can not remember anything about it.
With all those problems to be solved, I noticed some interesting reaction about myself. How protective I am of my balls or any part of my body. What the doctor did not noticed or was aware of or did not talk about it, that I lost two fingers on my left hand, finger 4+5. This was a work related accident. The accident took about 1.2 seconds. Later I went back and reenacted the accident to understand why I did not loose my full hand and or maybe part of my arm. Now we know.
This time, cutting off my balls is totally different and having to make the choice with the full knowledge that once the decision is made to cut them off, You can not go back regardless what the outcome is. Like I said, You can cut them loose, kook them and eat them, but you can never put “Humpty Dumpty” back again where they belong.
I will protect them with everything i got. This is an interesting reaction to that problem I got on hand, even if that cuts down my life expectancy. I have to do more thinking about that and understand why I think that way!
I am in the middle of thinking and nothing good comes out. (Joke). My feeling tells me that the number 2.2% of still dying from prostate cancer is way to high for the trauma I have to go thru to extend my life by 54 days. The operation makes no sense from this point of view. My Ex father in law had prostate cancer, the balls got removed and after three more surgeries nothing was the same. He had continues problems with infections, difficulty of peeing, lost the feelings when to pee. A valve got put in in the tubing. Now he had to go to the bathroom every couple of hours because the full bladder feeling was totally gone. One time he forgot to pee at all and ended up in the ER.
Now when I look at that life experience, it took out more than 54 days in 10 years of his life.
So, I need to do more of my thinking!?!?
To cut them loose or not to cut them loose, that is the question?
I, as an adult (hopefully) have a hart time making that decision. What about a child having a sex change operation and changing from a real boy to a illusionary girl. How in the ‘Hell’ can he make that decision at all at 10 to 18 years old, as a child. Cannot own a car, drive or vote but can ask a doctor to cut off his penis. They call it “gender-affirming surgery”, I call it Gender mutilation and the doctor is OK with that operation. What kind of doctor does that? If you as a doctor can do that, why not do a “happy” abortion on a full functioning child. What happened to the oath “Do No Harm”. See, when I do my thinking nothing good comes from it. (Joke). I have seen a full video about the operation. It was very difficult to see and wonder now what the video did not show. All the physical and emotional problems, all the scares that are left behind. No wonder that they kill themselves after a while. That after the “happy life” has ended and they are still children and have not yet even reached adulthood. Sorry, this was an excursion in my thinking.
I will update this writing when new info comes out.
As the saying goes “As The World Turns, nothing stays the same”.
Loco Norby