Does Black Live Matter BLM, matters at all?
Hope and dreams of Black Live Matter:
Black Live Matters BLM. When i heard the phrase black live matter for the first time i thought this was a great idea. Finally somebody in the black community is helping black kids to grow up in safe environment without drugs, guns, rapes, shootings gang related or not. In a peaceful environment with safety and security in mind. For adults i hoped to open up more job related opportunities so that the family unit can be more independent of government handouts. The crime rate would go down and the feeling of the future would be brighter than ever. The drive-by shootings would stop and the people could live in peace together. Black and White people would come closer together. This was my first reaction to the Black Life Matter movement.
Awakening from the BLM:
How could i not have bin so wrong about the BLM. In so many places. The idea of BLM helping black people blew up in my face and i realized it was just another big scam.
It did not take me to long to see on television what kind of people are in the BLM organization. First of all the BLM is a terrorist organization by design. There is no other way how to describe them. They are using one excuse after the next to destroy there communities. By burning businesses down, looting businesses, destroying businesses, breaking in homes, drive-by shootings, just about anything bad, they are doing. Drugs included. “Black Hoody” shopping is another way to steal from businesses. This is also called “Grab and Go” shopping. On top of that, they took over blocks of streets in Portland and in other cities of the USA. It was meant to terrorize the living shit out of white people who live there.
All are lying in the name of decide:
That all in the name of one person who got killed by a police officer, i am talking about Floyd. Floyd was a criminal and on drugs when he got killed by a police officer. Should he have been killed by anybody including the police? Absolutely not, for any reason unless it was self defense. You do criminal activity, you deserve to be in jail or should get the death penalty without a question. Now, if you destroy, burn businesses, steal and rob people you deserve the same swift justice. No exception, no excuses. I am absolutely and with all my hart against people who do criminal activities of any type.
Don’t believe what you see?
When CNN described on television a “Black Life Matter” demonstration and told the viewers that the demonstration was mostly peaceful, you could see the burning of buildings in the back ground. There was nothing peaceful about those demonstrations. This is just one example how the BLM terrorists gets help from CNN to cover up for there terrorist activities.
Another way to destroy your community:
The other terrible thing the BLM stands for is to “De-fund the Police”. This makes sense to me in a big way. If you burn buildings, rob people, go “Hoody” shopping, shoot police officers, rape people, do drugs you do not want the police close by, they may interrupt your lawlessness and shoots you when you run away.
The truth always comes out:
Now, i read in the news paper that the co founder took millions of dollars from donation and bought a $6,000,000 (6 Million ) dollar home for them self in California. This would not surprise me at all. It needs to be investigated and if it is the truth the person who did the criminal activity needs to go to jail. The same jail as the police officer who killed Floyd. Remember, “You do criminal activity you go to jail.
Final conclusion of the Black Live Matter movement.
Now we can see the result of de-funding and hating the police in the big democratic run cities. All crimes went up, up and away. We still do not see the real heights in the crime rate.
With all the higher crime rate especially in the black communities. Are you going to change it? Why do people still elect democrats and the same people over and over and expect a better result. I have no idea and do not understand it at all. The black people and communities deserve a lot better. Change the voting practice, this will change the result. Remember, You deserve what you voted for.
Norby’s Recommendation:
Think long term, vote for people who are for equality, equal rights under the law and for peace. Do Not choose short term money gains for long term self reliance. If not, you want to be and stay a slave of the state. Not good for body and soul.