What have we become as a Nation?
Our nation is going down into the dumpster of a third world country. We are lying to our self to justify the killings of the next generation even before they are born.
Now, if they are lucky to be born, we still want to kill them. We use a nice phrase for the killing babies and call a “Healthcare Right”. The question who’s right is it? The one who gets killed or the one who does the killing.
We have become a culture of death.
They are working in California on a new law to be able to kill a baby up to two weeks old. Instead of protecting the born and the unborn, they are now executing the living. This is not good at all. There is no human conciseness anymore in peoples hart. The hate for all living beings has become the all powerful thought regardless of the outcome.
The future willful killings of people up to 25 years
We need to look into the bright future with open eyes. See the beauty in the killing fields at home by making decisions about our basement son. We need to decide if we transport him into another dimension or do we let him live beyond his 25th birthday.
We, as a parent, have the responsibility to take care of him like a 2 week old child. It is the parents responsibility to feed him, house him and yet, still be able to kill him legally. Remember, the good old times when we killed legally a two weeks old baby, this was “Health Care”. With the newly expanded healthcare law we can now ask the healthcare provider like Planned Parenthood to find the best and peaceful way to kill the basement son, if needed. Regardless of his age, selected gender or newly found sexual orientation.
The excitement is at the peek on his 25th birthday in the morning to see ob there is any movement from the basement to the first floor in the house. The lack of movement tells the parents to help move him into the better after life.
Where will the killings end?
The next “Health Care” decision is with those old people in there 50th and older. Why can we not do the same with them as we do with the youngest under us, the babies? Just need to change our new all “inclusive healthcare directive” so we can include everybody above 50 years old.
You find a reason, we can kill even more people
Our new found laws are the greatest in the world. We finally can accept who we are and feel free to execute anyone for any reason. Why wait for tomorrow when you can express your liberal views today. And you can kill your lovely friend just because “It” had a different thought.
Let us do our killings in an non offending way
This is our biggest and most pressing concern how to kill people without offending them in the first place. We need to take a look into the past. First we hang them in the town square. From there we hung them on the trees. After that we shot them, electric executed them. We put them in the Gas chamber. Now we have the most human killings at all. This works so great and it is approved by millions of liberal voters. The ripping apart, legs, limbs and heads of children inside of the womb. This is the new way of killing all those unwanted children and we will expand the action up to 25 years old.
New execution settings is required in our homes
If we can make believe the “He” is a “She” and may turn into a “It”, we also can make believe it is better for “It” to be gone to never land. Make the execution basement in a fairy tail settings, so you can make believe you did the best you could do. “Tinker Bell” from Disney land, will guide you and go with you into never ever land.
What else can we use to kill people off?