That needs to be updated

What other people do and say is not as important as what you think. Let me give you an example of what I am talking about.
Taking the brand new mRNH vaccine or not, that is the question. I hat no idea how bad or deadly the Covid-19 was. So, what I did, I followed the general recommendation of Fauci and Doctors who should know better what to do. The first fourteen days we staid at home, remodeled our home, but listened very carefully to the news on TV and on the internet. We noticed that there where a lot of question of the new mRNH vaccine. Instead of answering the questions, the people got removed and silenced on YouTube and other platforms.

That was a RED FLAG for me.

I knew something was not correct with the mRNH vaccine. So, I never took the JAB. I was thinking for myself. All the laying from Fauci made me stronger and stronger in my believe that the shot is deadlier, more complications and in the long run nobody took responsibility for the vaccine. Fauci is no Doctor to me when you are laying to your patience.
Sisters, brothers and relatives all are trying to make me afraid and got mad at me that i did not take the shot. I had no idea how much hate was instilled into my sisters and brothers from government.

I was thinking for myself.

Just listen to yourself, listen to your inner voice, it will guide you in the right direction.

Now, I am very thankful that I did not take the shot. I got thick one time in three years and it was exactly like the flue. No more, no less. With a 99.98% of making it without problems, this is a risk, I can take.
The question is, Would you go to Las Vegas and gamble and have 99.98% chance of winning. I sure would do that on the spot.

Norby’s Recommendation

Do not jump the gun. Sleep over it and wait. You know, the truth always comes out, just it takes a little longer now with all those censoring of the truth. Once you got the shot, nobody takes responsibility for it. You are on your own. You can not undo that decision. The Covid-19 generating machine is in your body and nobody can remove it.

