This is the download page.

Download all my files of the deck I made with 'FreeCad'

Since I started the Model Airplane project with my Deck, I will make all the files available. So You can get a feeling what you can do with FreeCad.

Go to to download the software needed for the Deck.

There are no strings attached to the drawings. I DO NOT take any liability either. It is “AS IS”.

Enjoy, change it as needed and build something new today.


Download my DLG Drawings for a 60-68in Model Airplane. HSP70-6-All-Parts

This is the current version of my new DLG Model Airplane. I am at version number HSP70-5. This will change on a “daily basis”. If I find a problem or can make improvements, I will do so and change the version number. There are things still missing, especially for 3D printing parts. Those parts need to be extracted from the drawings. I will do that, when I think that we are ready to print the first prototypes.

Go to to download the software needed for the Deck and the Model Airplane

There are no strings attached to the drawings. I DO NOT take any liability either. It is “AS IS”.

Enjoy, change it as needed and build something new today.


Download my Calculations, HSP70 471sqmm-Rev1

This is a spreadsheet file for all the calculations to make an airplane. It is made with the program called ‘LibreOffice’ version 7.3. It is free from

I will update the calculations on a regular basis to correct the problems I found so far. You find errors, let me know.

You need to download ‘LibreOffice’ to use the source file.

There are no strings attached to the downloads. I DO NOT take any liability either. It is “AS IS”.

Enjoy, change it as needed and build something new today.


Useful Links, Videos and help.

When I find a important or interesting webpage regarding Model Airplanes, I will update my link page and post it for downloading.

There are no strings attached to the drawings. I DO NOT take any liability either. It is “AS IS”.

Enjoy, change it as needed and build something new today.
